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The Art Of Being Happy In 3 Steps


Being happy is an incredibly vague concept. Indeed, happiness researchers have pointed out that there are not many criteria one can use to determine how happy someone is. In the end it’s a subjective experience.

The question is, how do you create this subjective experience? Many people assume they’ll be happy once they have the perfect partner, the perfect job, house, body weight, you name it. Spoiler alert: None of these things make people truly happy in the long run.

Your mission today is to learn the three steps to being happy.

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Task 1: Avoiding misconceptions

I’ve already mentioned the way some people expect either material things or immaterial experiences such as love to make them happy. They can indeed contribute to happiness, but in order to build a solid foundation, your happiness can’t come from outward things. It must come from within.

The other misconception is that leading the perfect life will make you happy. I’m the first person to recommend pursuing your passion, practising self care, slowing down and leading an intentional life. However, once again these things contribute to happiness, but can’t create or guarantee it.

Task 2: The art of being happy in 3 steps

The thing is: Happiness is, first and foremost, a habit. And like any other habit, it’ll feel weird and wrong in the beginning and needs to be cultivated with some peristance in order to thrive. Here are 3 steps for you:

  1. Several times every day, play a variation of the “I spy” game where you look for beauty, kindness, and happiness around you.

  2. Create outward circumstances that promote happiness. Here’s where the above-mentioned methods come in: Downsizing, prioritising your passions etc.

  3. Check in with yourself at least 3 times a day and notice how good you have it. Breathe deep, relax, and allow the happiness to flood you.

I recommend setting reminders on your phone. All in all, this process will take at least 3-6 months. I promise you, it’s worth it, and if you need any help, get in touch.