Wild Spirits Coaching

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Vlog: Back in Croatia and Spring (all the way from Ireland…)

Here’s my trip back from Ireland to Croatia, with a stop in Vienna (all right: a detour, really). At home, I found spring and a newly overgrown garden!

I spent May seeing friends again and spending time outdoors. It may not be the most sensational vlog, but this is what the month has been like for me, and it was beautiful. I hope it’ll come across.

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Here follows the exact transcript of everything that’s being spoken in the video. You can also see this text in the form of subtitles in the video itself (you can find the settings in the bottom right corner of the video).

I saw a lot more beauty on the way back to Croatia, like this ancient tomb and stone circle in County Tipperary.

Hello, welcome to to the June vlog and filming outside, though I'm not sure how good of an idea this has been because it's starting to rain as I speak and there's thunder growling in the background because, yeah, it is June, and spring here always brings these thunderstorms. But it is milder and yeah, it's, I love it out here and I love seeing the view and being back home. And that's what this vlog is about, me coming back and enjoying spring here in Croatia.

Although I have to say, the first thing that I know, that I saw when I came back was that it was hard for me to even get to my door, because the whole garden had grown back in the two months that I was away, including overgrowing the path and the steps up to the house. So that was not so nice. I thought for a while, why did I bother last year and make myself all that work clearing the garden, and now it's all back. But once I actually started - and I started by clearing the clearing the path, the steps, you know, so that not just I but also a postman or a partiel delivery person would be able to get through - but once I started clearing the actual flower beds again, I noticed that it is much easier and much faster. So it made a huge difference that it was cleared before. There's almost zero brambles these days, I got rid of those altogether with these big roots that took like 10 minutes at a time to dig out. It's all quite superficial, there's grasses and there's these types of plants that you can just pull up by the root. And it took me no time at all to reclear, I mean, took, it takes me very little time, because I'm not quite done yet, but I'm making very fast progress on any of the dry days when I can actually work in the garden for a half an hour or so in the morning before I start to work.

It's still a lot of work, but like I said, not nearly as much as I thought it would be, and as you can see, a lot of it is already cleared again.

But the best part of being back is going to Rijeka and see seeing all my friends again.

Are you taking a video?

Yes, I am indeed, this is for my vlog.

Oh, this is live!


I have made some changes in my life and one of them is that I'm now finally going to archery here as well, in my archery club in Slovenia, which I joined last year and then never went. And now I'm finally doing it! It's beautiful there.

Yeah, I recently got a new wrist release that I'm still getting used to. As you can see, I'm missing as much as I'm hitting.

It's also great to be back with my furry friends here in the village, like Bella and Zoya here, and the grey kitty who visits me almost daily at the moment.

Look at this cloud, it looks like it's descending on us. And up there, it's still blue skies.

So that was it for today! Actually, something else has started happening, but I decided to show you this in the next vlog, which has to do with a bit of remodeling, a bit of rearranging of my house. But I'll show you all the progress and everything I've done when it's finished, and it isn't yet, so you'll have to wait a little bit for that. So the next Vlog will be about that, and also once again about a bit more traveling and beautiful places once again.

I hope as usual that you enjoyed the vlog, and if you did, like, comment and subscribe, all that good YouTube stuff. If you're interested in my work and what I do, then please visit wildspiritscoaching.com and join the community of wild spirits by signing up for the Wild Spirits News. I wish you a beautiful month of June. Talk to you soon. Bye!