Wild Spirits Coaching

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Did You Reach Your Goals / Find Your Purpose In 2022?


At the beginning of this year, I published an episode called “Find your Purpose in 2022”. Don’t worry if you missed it, it’s not needed to follow today’s mission.

With a little over two months to go this year, I invite you to take stock. We’ll do this gently and guilt-free, and I’ll also show you ways to still achieve your goals and find your purpose in 2022.

And that’s your mission for today!

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See this content in the original post

Task 1: No self-flaggelation

This is an unusual task insofar as it tells you not to do something. The last thing I want to do is to make you feel guilty. I can tell you with certainty that if you set out to achieve something this year and haven’t, it’s not your fault.

Humans aren’t meant to do everything on their own. If you don’t have major support, it’s almost impossible to achieve anything significant.

People who do reach their goals on their own, pay the price, either with their health, their emotional balance, their relationships… Something has got to give. In the next task, I’ll show you how to avoid this and practically guarantee success.

Task 2: Find your Purpose

Here are the best ways I know of for achieving your goals.

  1. Write them down. Did you know that the most successful 2% of people all have their goals in writing and review them regularly? Start today if you’ve not done this so far.

  2. Find a coach. I don’t have enough time to coach everyone, but if it’s purpose you’re looking for, I’m indeed the expert. If it’s any other goal - health, relationship, career, business – there are coaches specialised in these fields. If you have a leaking pipe in your kitchen, you could probably teach yourself and fix it. It’s smarter and much more efficient though to hire a plumber.

  3. Rewatch the episode about finding purpose in 2022. It’s not too late.