Wild Spirits Coaching

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The Search for Meaning: Finding Life Purpose


Some people are skeptical when I talk about finding life purpose. I don’t blame them: It sounds a bit “out there”, heavy, almost religious.

Really, it’s much simpler, and very much worth the effort. Knowing your purpose means being able to check everything you plan against it. It infuses your life with meaning and direction and creates unreasonable amounts of happiness.

Your mission today is to learn how to infuse meaning into your life through finding life purpose.

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Task 1: The path of joy

There’s no one, patented definition of purpose, so people who identify purpose with a particular work, aren’t wrong, per se. However, I think this view’s dangerous because it once again places everything of meaning into the realm of practical or monetary use.

I never tire of pointing out that humans need something beyond practicality. More and more studies confirm it: Doing something for the sheer joy of it, is healthy.

And so, to find your life purpose, your first step is to do things for no other reason than that they give you joy. It’s liberating and helps you get to know yourself – what you want, without any outside influence or necessity.

Task 2: Finding Life Purpose outside of yourself

At the same time, purpose does tend to extend beyond yourself. It concerns your contribution to the world, so while it’s not an action or job itself, it can show up in your actions and the work you do.

Try to think back of what jobs, activities, or hobbies in your life have made you feel the most fulfilled. What felt right? Write those down.

Then find the common denominator between them. Look for the Why; it could be a signpost. Finding life purpose is to get to know and learn to trust your own inner wisdom.

Your purpose isn’t determined by anything or anyone else, and because it’s not tied to a specific activity, nobody can ever take it away from you.