How to Handle the Flood of Knowledge


I recently read about „knowledge management”, which is becoming increasingly important in organisations and companies. They have lots of information, but how can they make it accessible to the people who need it at the right time?

It got me thinking: The same issue applies on the individual level. We can find out and learn almost everything online these days, but how do we handle it all?

Your mission today is to learn how do we manage the flood of knowledge and utilise it for your passion.

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Task 1: All-rounder or specialist?

The question is now, should you niche down and specialise or attempt a good general knowledge? The answer is as individual as each of us.

A multi-passionate will probably have knowledge of several areas, but maybe none of them as in-depth as someone who specialises on just one thing. Both these types of people have a place in society; both are needed. Find out what suits you and don’t try to force anything.

Open notebook and glasses lying in greenery.

Task 2: Handle the flood of knowledge

Keeping an open mind to knowledge from different areas never hurts, but if you want to niche down, then obviously focus on that one subject which lights you up. But how to keep track of all the information?

Especially when it comes to our passions, it can be awful to lose a bit of valuable information because we either didn’t keep it or don’t know where it is. It’s useful to develop a sort of system for this. Ideas include:

  • Keep a notebook where you can jot down ideas.

  • On a certain date once a month, sort those notes into documents on your computer.

  • Keep a calendar. You’ll remember things better if your brain isn’t cluttered with trying to remember when you need to go to the dentist!

Now you have the information at your fingertips, determine which one thing (or two) you’ll focus on for the coming month. A month later, re-assess.


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