X Questions To Help You Find Your Purpose?


I read a lot of articles and books about purpose. It’s my specialty, after all! And while there is a lot of wisdom and insight in the coaching and mentoring world, some things grate a little.

One of them is the fact that people tend to use “passion” and “purpose” interchangeably. News flash, they’re not the same thing! Another is the many articles promising “X questions that help you find your purpose”.

Your mission today is to learn why this isn’t the way to find your unique life purpose, and what to do instead.

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Task 1: Why questions don’t help

First of all, questions are a good thing. Coaching involves asking a lot of questions. However, this happens in the context of a broader process, is always tailored to the individual, and can’t be reproduced in a handy list in an article.

One thing that can be found by questions is passions. Questions can help you jog your memory, make you think and feel towards the things that light you up.

But then, passions are things you do. They’re concrete, and therefore questions are a handy tool for finding them.

Two women sitting at a meeting room table, talking to each other and smiling

Task 2: How to find purpose

In a nutshell, purpose can’t be arrived at by asking questions and thinking about it. Jogging your memory won’t help you find your purpose, because it’s not about doing. It’s about being.

Your unique life purpose is the reason why you’re here on this planet. Ideally, your work should be aligned with your purpose, but there’s never just one thing you can do that expresses your purpose in life.

To find yours, I recommend radically prioritising your passion(s). Do a lot of what lights you up, and amplify that joy. This feeling, this vibration is where purpose lives, and over time, it’ll reveal itself to you.

If you’d like a shortcut and support with this process, I’m here to help! It’s what my signature program is designed to do.


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