Wild Spirits Coaching

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The Vlog of Mystical Lakes and Beauty

Surprise! The next vlog was supposed to come out in early October, and there will be one, but I had so much material filmed already, I decided to create a vlog this month, too.

Grab a cup of something or other, sit back and watch the relaxing footage of stunning Bavarian castles and no fewer than three mountain lakes in breathtaking surroundings. I spent time in both Germany (Bavaria) and the Ausseerland in Austria this past month, and I filmed all of it for you!

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This is the transcript of everything that’s said in the video. The same text is available as subtitles in the video itself. You can select them at the note symbol on the bottom right.

In my last vlog, I said that I had waited and longed for a thunderstorm for at least 2 weeks. One day later, it was here.

Hi and welcome to my new vlog - here on my terrace, with a party going on in the village as usual. I love these, it's always so, there's so much life, and I'll probably go down and check what's going on a little later. This village is a bit like Bilbo says in Lord of the Rings: Half the Shire's been invited, and the other half are, the rest are turning up anyway. You can't have a party in this village without everyone at least dropping by at some point, so I'm going to grab a snack and go down and see what the story is in a bit. And otherwise, I want to keep this introduction short because I have a suspicion that the vlog might turn out to be fairly long this time already. You might have noticed also that it's only been a month since the last vlog, and I was going to do the vlogs only every other month but, I've realized that so much has happened this last month, I have so much material already, and a lot is bound to happen this month again, so for now we're back to monthly vlogs. And yeah, I'll leave it at that and can just say that I hope that you'll enjoy it.


I said goodbye to my furry friends here in the village and drove to Germany. In Bavaria, I worked, and at the weekends, I went sightseeing.

I'm at this huge ruin of a castle. It's really, really big. Unfortunately, the tower is closed, otherwise I would brave my vertigo and show you, but there's a good view from up there.

The cats in my lovely house-sit know me by now. This furry spot of negative space is Sam, and that's little Titi.

I'm walking around this gorgeous lake in Bavaria. I'm actually filming a video, a short video for YouTube that you will see. But isn't that amazing?

The lake has an enchanted atmosphere about it. Legend has it that it came into being through the tears of a princess who cried over her lost love, unrequited love.

After lunch at the lake, I went onto the mountain 'Great Arber', which is called the King of the Bavarian Forest. It's the highest mountain there.

I am terrified of these things! So I'm in another gondola going up a mountain.

Holy sh*t, that's gorgeous. Look at this!

At the top, there's a lovely walking path up to the summit. The views are spectacular.

Of course, I also visited my auntie again, in the little town by the Czeck border.

I visited the town's castle ruins, where every summer an historical play is staged. When I was a child, I was actually in that play a couple of times, as one of the town's children.

And since I'm still a big child, I went to a fun-fair in nearby town and rode on this thing.

Fear of heights is really not fun on a big wheel. But the view is incredible. I'm going to show you the view in a bit.


Eventually, it was time to drive to Austria for a 3-day mini holiday with Kati and Sissy in the beautiful Ausseerland.

So this is the place where over a 100 years ago, all the artists and writers from Vienna spent their summers. On the first afternoon, we went up to the Hofmannsthal linden tree that I visited 3 years ago when I was here just after my brother died. I'll leave a link to that blog in one of the corners.

The next day, we went to my favorite of all the lakes, the Altaussee Lake. We took a ferry across, had lunch on the other side and then walked back. I suggest you just lean back and enjoy the beauty.

Kati even went for a swim, but Sissy and myself were too cowardly.

The next day, we went to yet another lake, the Grundl Lake. Our feet were still sore from the day before, so this time we took the ferry back as well.

Later on, we drove around a bit and across this stunning mountain pass. It was the perfect last day in Aussee.

Back home

And now I'm back home in Croatia. I hope you enjoyed this vlog. If you did, comment, like subscribe, all the good YouTube stuff, and if you'd like to find out about me and my work, go to my website, wildspiritscoaching.com. Have a lovely month of September, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye!