Make Time For Your Passions With A Full-Time Job


Up to three years ago, I had a full-time job. I also had my business, and I was committed to prioritising my multiple passions. Believe me when I say that I know a thing or two about making time for your passions!

From my experience, I can assure you, it’s not about getting better at juggling, well, everything. Your mission today is to learn how to make time for your passions with a full-time job.

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Task 1: Understand what priority means

First of all, I’d like to clear up a common misunderstanding. Prioritising a passion doesn’t mean spending more time on it than you do on your job or your family. Priority isn’t expressed in time, it’s expressed in commitment and dedication.

We’ve all sat through hours of school with zero interest or motivation. No matter how long these lessons were, they clearly weren’t a priority. Similarly, spending two meaningful hours on a passion can mean more than ten hours of going through the motions.

Sibylle playing her piano

Task 2: Make time for your passions

Here are the steps you can implement to make sure that you’ll always have time for your passions. 

  1. Get rid of distractions. Rather than trying to cram even more items into your daily schedule with “time management”, look for what you can cut out and let go of. Disinstall social media apps from your phone. Limit your screen time (no, it’s not just for children!). Cancel obligations and memberships that don’t fulfill you.

  2. Block off chunks of time. In my busiest years, I kept one day a week free and I wouldn’t compromise on it. I often worked six days a week, so having one day for my passions is what kept me sane. It’s also much easier than trying to make room for half an hour every day.

  3. Up your self-care game. You absolutely cannot compromise on your sleep, movement, and basic nutrition. These things will give you the energy to do everything you want to.


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