Wild Spirits Coaching

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Wanna Be Wildly Successful? Prioritise Your Passion


With my focus on passions, most of my clients come to me when they're a little disillusioned with their jobs. They're done and don't expect much any more.

When one by one, my clients were surprised by pay rises and/or promotions during the program, I realised that this isn't a co-incidence. Therefore your mission today is to learn how to use your passions to create success in your career.

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Task 1: What you shouldn't expect here

Just to be clear: I'm not going to suggest you quit your job and turn your passion into a business. If this is your dream, of course you should go for it, but it's not what I'm talking about.

This is about people with a steady job as employees. You shouldn't hate your job, but it doesn't have to be one of your passions. Your passion is a hobby or interest.

Task 2: How to be wildly successful

Every company above a certain size has several "types" of people working there, such as:

  • The "furniture" - someone who's been there for decades, knows everything and everyone. Always helpful, always overworked, never promoted and chronically underearning.

  • The "star" - a well-liked manager who pulls their weight where it matters, sets clear boundaries and has a functioning work-life balance. Earns well and gets ahead.

That’s because grounded, happy people who clearly communicate boundaries, are leaders. And it's why so many of my clients get ahead in their careers.

Task 3: How you can do it

So how do you use this information? I suggest you find a) activities and b) people outside of work that you're dedicated to.

A little reading or the occasional walk won’t do. I'm talking about something that takes up mindspace and emotional real estate. Something that truly lights you up from the inside.

At the same time, set boundaries at work. Don't work overtime unless it's absolutely necessary. Say No, a lot. Speak up about your needs, but also your ideas and contributions. Become visible.

If you need any help with this, schedule a chat with me! You deserve to be recognised as much as you deserve the happiness that comes from prioritising a passion.