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Vlog: Health Update & Winter Forest

Because nothing spectacular happened in January, I thought it was a good time to give you a bit of an update on my health. In this vlog, I tell you how my recovery from the auto-immune trouble is going.

I also show you how my January has been, which includes snow here in my mountain, cozy days at home, and a walk in the winter forest around my house. Cute cat and dogs included!

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(also available as subtitles, which you can select on the bottom right of the video)

We got one week of snow, but only up here, not down in the valley.

I did my best to clear a path for my elderly neighbor on the very uneven street here.

Hello, welcome to the new vlog. I know my face is a little dark but I wanted to show you this beautiful view from my window as well, and I hope you can see me well enough. I can't quite believe that it's time for another vlog already. I feel like nothing has happened since the last one, so yeah, it might be a slightly shorter vlog. Everybody says that January is the longest month, but for me, that wasn't like that at all. It seemed to fly past this year, I can't believe we're already in February. It was just so fast.

Health Update

But I thought maybe I'll give you a little update about my health. Do you remember last year when I talked about, when I did the healing dance, the calling the dragon? You know what, it did help.

But it didn't help decisively. I had a couple of good weeks last year and even six really good weeks in the summer, where I was almost well again and started exercising again and all the rest. And then unfortunately, it all came back. But I have made progress, I'm nowhere near as bad as I used to be, and I've also- I think I got to the bottom of what this actually is, and now I'm taking measures - I don't want to really talk about my medical stuff here and my health stuff stuff. I hope you respect that that's private stuff - but I have got to the bottom of it and I think, I'm optimistic I once again. I know this is weird, I once again say, like I did a year ago, that I'm optimistic that this time it'll actually work but yeah, I know more now than I did last year and it's a journey, you know? This is something that'll happen over time but yeah, I'll give you updates on this.

I already feel better, I dance more - this is always a good sign with me, when I don't dance, there's something wrong! So yeah, I do that, I spend time even exercising moderately, and the complete exhaustion that leaves me unable to do anything - 'the weakness', I call it - when my muscles are really weak, that has become really rare and that's a fantastic sign. So yeah, let's hope it gets better, and this is the update, and I I promise I'll keep you updated.

And now I'll show you a little bit of what my January has been like here in my little house on the mountain.

Stuck on my mountain - forest walk

Because of the snow, I got stuck here in the village, so I did what I usually do: I got comfortable and danced a lot like a headless chicken.

Just after the full moon, the weather got better and warmer, and the snow melted.

I have to take a lot of breaks and I'm out of breath. The first 5 to 10 minutes of this hike are steadily uphill, fairly steep in some places, and in my current condition I'm just not equipped for that. So I'll have to take it really slowly. But after that, it's mostly even or even slightly downhill so it becomes very pleasant. Oh let me show you a little bit, there's even some snow left there, can you see that? Yeah, now I've caught my breath enough to continue.

Now I'm at the top and resting again. Do you hear this?

Me neither. I love it up here.

Maybe some people will find it boring, a forest in the winter, all bare and dead. But to me it's just dormant, it's awaiting new life in the spring. I love the quiet and I loved walking there.

I passed by a couple of summer houses that we have here in the forest. And I was utterly fascinated by the sunshine between the trees and the blue sky.

Back home

And then I was back in the village and on the path to my house. See, there it is.

And here I am happy to be back. It's just so nice to have this around my house. Although as you can hear, my neighbors have started cutting wood so it's probably time to go back inside.

How's my good girl? How are my two good girls?

And that was it for today's slightly shorter vlog! I hope you liked it and if you did, like, comment and subscribe, all that good YouTube stuff, and if you'd like to find out about my work as a coach, then visit my website wildspiritscoaching.com. Have a beautiful February! I'll talk to you soon. Bye!