7 Ways To Come Back To Life


My own story includes depression, a very light, high-functioning form that I didn’t even notice back then. My horizon had shrunk, I had kicked my friends out of my life and told myself that I was happy.

A while ago, I wrote an article about this on Tiny Buddha, and to this day people tell me they resonate with it. Especially now in times of a pandemic, it seems to be everybody’s story.

Your mission today is to learn 7 ways to come back to life.
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Task 1: Stop beating yourself up

Before I continue, I want to make one thing crystal clear. This is not meant to put pressure on you! I’m not going to tell you to “live your best life now!”

The truth is that many people struggle currently – you might be working from home, looking after your children, or struggling with isolation. Do whatever you can, when you can it, and plan in lots of rest and downtime. The world is stressful right now, so cut yourself some slack.

woman lying under the covers in bed, asleep

Task 2: 7 ways to come back to life

 Pick only 1 of these steps. After three or more days, pick a second one, and so forth.

  1. Go to bed at the same (reasonable) hour three nights in a row. See if you like it, and if you do, extend it.

  2. Eat one healthy meal a day. No more than that, just one. Do what you like for the rest of your daily meals.

  3. Pursue your passion for 10 minutes every day. Yes, it’s possible! You can of course do more, but don’t forego doing what lights you up just because you don’t have time.

  4. Take a 15 minute walk three times a week. Again, you’re of course “allowed” to do more.

  5. Listen to theta waves. It sounds weird and I have no scientific explanation, but it worked wonders for me.

  6. Find a group or at least one other person who shares your passion – online or offline.


3 Pillars Of A Happy, Stress-Free Life


Vlog 3: Trouble With A Passion For Hiking