Wild Spirits Coaching

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Discover The Joy Of Money


I recently talked about the reasons why money and joy do indeed belong together. It’s worth pointing that out because it seems like such an alien concept in our day and age.

There’s good reason for this, too: In times of crisis and inflation, money is a loaded subject for many. Add to that beliefs we’ve been carrying since childhood, and you have what a dysfunctional relationship.

Your mission today is to discover the joy of wild money.

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Task 1: Clean up the rubbish

In order to discover the joy of money for yourself, you need to clean up first. The most obvious part is tackling your beliefs; in this older video, I give you the exact process of how to do this.

A related point is that of course some of the negativity around money isn’t irrational. There definitely are greedy, exploitative people who hoard money. However, if you look more closely, you’ll find that these people want money to gain power or satisfy their egos. The money isn’t the problem; their character is.

If you manage to separate the two, you’ll discover that many amazing people also have a lot of money. And they don’t do anyone any harm; in fact, many of them do good.

Money doesn’t make a person good or bad, it makes them more of what they already are.

Task 2: Discover the joy of wild money

Keeping in mind what you’ve learned and discovered in Task 1, you’re now free to allow yourself to enjoy money. Here are some ways to do this.

  • Celebrate incoming money. Whether it’s your salary or a 1 cent coin you find on the street, close your eyes for a moment and say “thank you”.

  • Bless outgoing money. With every bill you pay, think of it as something taken care of with gratitude.

  • Create a “play” budget. 5% of your income should be used to blow on something unnecessary, purely because it gives you joy.

  • Give your money a good home. Buy a pretty wallet and smile every time you pull it out.