Find Your Passion or Hobby (Even if it’s Embarrassing)


There are many reasons why people don’t know what their passion is or believe they don’t have one. They book my Find Your Passion session and tell me they don’t have anything they really love doing.

Sometimes, they tell me they’re simply not the type to get enthusiastic. At other times, they truly can’t think of anything, but in every case, we unearth at least one thing that’s potentially a passion.

Your mission today is to learn why embarrassment might keep you from knowing your passion.

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    Background: What is and isn’t a passion

    I’ve said before that a passion is more than just an interest, but I also sometimes use passion, hobby and interest interchangeably. That’s because the boundaries are blurred and there’s no exact definition of either.

    Basically, anything you enjoy and could do for hours might be a passion. Passions can put you into the state of Flow and make you forget time.

    Maybe we can agree on the definition that not everything you like doing is a passion; it has to be something you like a lot.

    Close-up of a piano's keyboard with the two hands of a woman on it.

    Task: Unearth the embarrassing passion(s)

    Now we get to the embarrassing part. The thing is, when people think about passions, hobbies or interests, they think about something cool such as windsurfing or a craft like knitting, or playing an instrument or painting.

    But what if your passion is something less, shall we say, marketable?

    I’ll give you an example from my multiple passions: I’m a gamer. That’s not expected of a 50-something woman with a business and a life, is it? Well, I love gaming, I get completely immersed in my online "alternative life”.

    What I’m suggesting is that you might not know your passion because you’d rather not count something of a guilty pleasure. I say, f what everyone thinks – own it!

    Is your passion hidden in a subreddit fandom of a trashy romance book series? Could it be that you collect something that others see as nonsensical? Or get immersed in “bad” music such as a teenie boy band? I say, hold your head high and cherish this stuff. Because the only, really the only criterion a passion needs to fulfil is that it makes you happy.

    A woman sits in a window seat on a ship holding a plastic coffee cup and covering her face with the other hand, smiling in an embarrassed way.


    Here follows the exact transcript of everything said in the video. The same text is also available as video subtitles.


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