Vlog: Historical Vienna In Autumn

In October, I spent almost two weeks in my magical city again. I was house-sitting two very cute cats, celebrating my dear friend Kati’s birthday and enjoying autum in Vienna.

Apart from that, I unashamedly acted like a tourist. I have been a little culture-starved lately, so I dove into it all head-first: concert, opera, exhibitions, guided tours… Add to that many walks through historical Vienna and cups of tea in the traditional Cafe Houses (Kaffeehäuser), and you have the ingredients to a hopefully interesting vlog.

My favourite city

Let me show you around my favourite city in the whole world - and I’m saying this as someone who’s not a city person! Let the magic of the past and the beauty of a former empire’s capital enchant you.

Back home, I went to a Halloween party, and of course I filmed that, too! Enjoy.

If you’d rather watch on YouTube, please click here.

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