From Survival Mode to Joy and Creativity


There was a time in my life when the weeks just seemed to pass me by. I was doing well, even felt moderately happy, but the days just slipped through my fingers and nothing much was happening.

I was stuck in survival mode and didn’t even realise it. The signs were there but I didn’t notice them.

Your mission today is to learn how to detect survival mode and how to break through to joy and creativity.

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Task 1: What’s survival mode?

The thing about survival mode is that it creeps up on you, and because it’s not a sudden, dramatic event, you don’t notice. How do you recognise it, then?

The following can be signs that you’re in survival:

  • Your days are somewhat uniform. When something happens that changes this standard flow of events, you get annoyed.

  • Things you want to do, are all in the "soon" category, but never "today".​

  • You can’t even remember the last time you pursued your passion(s). You just don’t seem to have the patience or headspace for it.

  • There might be signs of stress (lack of concentration, perhaps brain fog, undue tiredness) although there’s no immediate cause.

  • You “let yourself go” in one or more ways (eating habits, exercise or lack thereof, self care).

  • You socialise a lot less and/or it seems an effort to meet up with friends or go out.

Women at a desk, sitting slumped forwards with her head on her laptop.

Task 2: How to break through to joy and creativity

The reason why passions and creativity are out of reach in survival mode, is that they require a completely different mindset. Survival is a defensive mechanism that makes us laser-focused on practicalities.

Creativity requires just the opposite - a widening and openness of your mind, relaxation and unstructured time, space for silliness and play.

Switching requires two steps:

  1. Leaving survival mode behind. Eliminate stress, get help, and look after your basic needs.

  2. Inviting joy and creativity. You do that by creating space in your life, saying no and if necessary, change jobs and focus on the people and activities you love.

If you need help with any of this, talk to me and consider coaching! It really is worth the effort. You’ll love all the light and joy that floods into your life.


(A More Efficient Way To) Figure Out Your Next Steps


Vlog: One-Week Digital Detox