What it Means to Know Your Life Purpose


With the many different definitions of "purpose" flying around, it's no wonder few people seriously pursue a purpose. Most think purpose must be a particular type of work, and what of they already have a different career?

I never tire of emphasising that work can express a life purpose, but it never is the purpose. A purpose is the reason why you do what you do. 

Your mission today is to learn how to fully express your purpose - no change of career required.

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    Background: Expressing life purpose

    Unless your job goes straight-up against your values or life purpose, you can absolutely live and fully express your purpose without having to change jobs. Some ways to do this:

    • Find what part of your work is most aligned with your Why/purpose and put a special emphasis on this part.

    • Audit your life and determine what elements of it don't fit your purpose (this could be a person, an activity or anything else). Eliminate these from your life.

    • Look for hobbies, people, activities that perfectly express your life purpose. Prioritise them!

    View of a wooden tabletop with green glitter and gold play coins

    Task: Experience how it feels

    I’m not going to tell you that you’ll never have a bad day or feel down or sad anymore. Life is going to continue happening, and some of it will be trying and even heartbreaking.

    However, there’s a profound shift in what your everyday life feels like. It literally starts the moment you wake up: You’ll have a sense of direction which is quite the opposite of the mindless getting-things-done hamster wheel we’re used to.

    You’ll also be happy a lot more often. It simply is a very gratifying feeling to know exactly why you were put on this planet, and to know that every day, you fulfill this life purpose. Your capacity for happiness increases significantly, and you’ll find you have more space and time, both for yourself and for the things and people that matter most to you.

    Two women sit across from each other at a desk, with one of them explaining something to the other.


    Here follows the exact transcript of everything I say in the video. This text can also be viewed as subtitles - simply enable subtitles in the controls on the bottom right of the video.

    You don't need to change jobs to express your life purpose.

    Hello, welcome to this week's Wild Spirits News. I'm Sibylle, and I help women between 40 and 60 to do lots of what they love and to find their unique life purpose, and if that sounds interesting, check out my website, wildspiritscoaching.com.

    Today's subject is 'What it means to know your life purpose'. With the many different definitions of purpose or life purpose floating around, it's really no wonder that so few people actively seek and pursue it. Most people think that their purpose must be a particular type of work, and what if they already have a different job or career, and what's the point? I never tire of pointing out that your work can express your purpose, but it never is your life purpose. Your purpose is the reason why you do what you do. Your mission today is to learn how you can fully express your purpose - no career change required.


    The background to this is called 'Expressing purpose'. Now, unless your job goes straight-up against your values or against your purpose, you can absolutely keep your job and fully express your life purpose in your life. Some ways of doing this, I've written down there: Find what parts of your current job are most aligned with your purpose and emphasize these parts, focus on those.

    Do a a bit of an audit of your life and find out which parts don't align or maybe go against your purpose. This could be people, this could be activities that you do or any other things. And try to eliminate these factors that are against, that go against your purpose. And the third point is: Look for hobbies, activities, people that fit your purpose and emphasize those and prioritize them.


    The task is 'Experience how it feels'. Now, I'm not going to tell you that you'll never feel sad again a day in your life. That's just not realistic. Life is going to continue to happen, and some of it will be testing, and some of it will be downright heartbreaking. That's just life. However, there is a profound shift that happens when you fully express your purpose in your life, and it literally starts the moment you wake up in the morning. There's a feeling of direction that is the exact opposite of our mindless, aimless hamsterwheel getting-things-done that is what most of our days look like.

    You'll also be happy a lot more often. There's something incredibly gratifying about knowing exactly why you were put on this planet, and to do, and everyday do things that express this purpose and to work towards it. Your capacity for happiness increases, and that alone is worth pursuing a purpose. You'll also find that you'll have a lot more space and time both for yourself and for the people and the activities and things - your passions, for example - that matter most to you.

    Let me know

    So that was that, and it brings me to the last point, which is asking you where you stand on this. Do you know your purpose? Would you like to know it? Do you maybe think that that's all nonsense? As long as you're respectful, I don't mind if people disagree with me. I'd love to hear what you think, or read what you think, so leave me a comment below the video or reply to the email that you got the link to the video with.

    And like I said, if any of this sounds interesting, check out my website, wildspiritscoaching.com. There you can also sign up for the 100% spam free Wild Spirits Community News, which is one email per week where I share, where I always share some information, some really useful information that I don't share anywhere else, so it's really worth signing up for it and it's not just some marketing spam newsletter. I'd love to have you! Have a wonderful week and I'll talk to you soon. Bye!


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