The Real Reason Why You Don’t Know Your Passion


In the age group I mostly work with – women between 40 and 60 – many people claim they don’t have a passion. Others have a few interests, but nothing that truly lights them up. They think this is the way it has to be.

I do a lot of research on the psychological reasons and background of the issues I come across in my work, and I recently made a discovery that startled me. I’ll share it with you in this video.

Your mission today is to learn what your childhood has got to do with your passions.

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Task 1: What do you mean, emotional neglect?

When I hear “childhood neglect”, I imagine families with issues like drugs or violence, not my own idyllic childhood in a family that wasn’t perfect (what family is?) but functional in all the major ways.

The thing is that in those days – I’m talking 60s, 70s, 80s – not much attention was paid to a child’s emotions. You were bored? Tough! We were left to our own devices a good bit.

That has many advantages – we know how to take a hit and we’re self-reliant – but it made us grow up thinking our emotions don’t matter much. This led some of us to be there for others more than for ourselves and be taken advantage of in jobs and relationships.

Task 2: Why you don’t know your passion(s)

This upbringing also led to us not knowing our passion(s). We might be interested in a few things, but to be truly enthusiastic and joyful about them? We think that’s not who we are.

What I’m saying is: You do have a passion, or several. It doesn’t matter if you’re an introvert or extrovert, or whatever else. You may have looked in the wrong places or your passion is “uncool”, but you have one and you can find it.

You can learn to pay more attention to your emotions, to notice and remember what gives you a spark, what makes you unreasonably happy. Be patient and don’t give up! And if you’d like a kick-start, check out my very affordable Find your Passion session.


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