Live your Purpose in 2024


“Why would I want to know my purpose?” That’s something I hear a lot. People think the idea sounds overly grand. They believe purpose has little impact on day-to-day life in the real world.

I beg to differ. Your mission today is to find out why purpose matters and how you can live yours in 2024.

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Task 1: Learn why purpose matters

You may have heard me talk about this before, so I won’t belabour the point that purpose isn’t something you do, it’s the Why behind what you do. If you’re new here, you can find an explanation here.

Purpose matters because of alignment, another concept I talk about a lot. Alignment helps you navigate our complex 21st-century lives. Imagine all the aspects of your life like a group of people you’re trying to get across a small river. If everyone tries on their own, the group will scatter, some will even get swept off.

If you have them go hand over hand along a rope, they’ll all cross safely and arrive in the same spot. That’s because they have something to hold on to.

That’s what alignment does.

Task 2: Ways to live your purpose in 2024

Once you know your purpose, you can check every activity and every person in your life for alignment with your purpose. Weed out as much of what doesn’t align as you can, and prioritise the things and activities that do fit your purpose.

Use this purpose, your rope, to navigate the year. You’ll marvel at what a difference it makes.

And if you need to find your purpose first? You can:

  1. Check out this article outlining every step towards finding your purpose.

  2. Take my 5-day Life Purpose Challenge, which sets you well on your way within only 5 days.

  3. And if you want a guarantee, sign up for The Magic of Purpose, a custom 1:1 coaching program designed to align all areas of your life, do lots of what you love and find your life purpose.


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