Vlog: Magical Evening Light (and no filter whatsoever)

I’m back with a new vlog, and it has all the magic and pale light of a Bavarian Forest evening in winter. It gives everything an impossibly soft glow that no high-tech filter could ever achieve. I’m so glad I was there that evening and managed to capture it for you.

You’ll also see two of the cutest kitties on the planet. And you’ll see them a lot. Sorry, not sorry!

It’s the story of my winter so far, complete with a road trip from Croatia to Germany and back again.

If you’d rather watch it on YouTube, please click here.

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    Here follows the exact transcript of everything that’s being said in the video. You’ll find the exact same text as subtitles in the video itself; activate them via the buttons on the bottom right.

    By the end of November, winter made its first appearance around here.

    Hello and welcome to my winter vlog. This will be about the last two months, like the the tail end of autumn, going into winter, the whole holidays and then all of January up to today, obviously. I spent a lot of that time in Germany, again in Bavaria, and I had a great time, but it was-, there was something strange, and that was that I hated going outside into the cold. And objectively, it wasn't that cold at all.

    I mean, everybody who knows me, knows that I don't deal well with the cold. I deal much better with summer, warmth, nice temperatures, so I don't like the cold. But on the other hand, I can deal with it. I used to live in Romania, we got really harsh winters there, like minus 25 degrees and stuff like that, and I didn't like it but I survived, right? And this time, in Bavaria, it was maybe zero degrees, it was a few degrees minus or maybe one or two degrees plus even - but every time I set foot out of the door, I was like, oh my gods, I'm dying, it's so cold. So I don't really know where that came from. It can't have been the actual temperature because like I said, objectively it wasn't very cold.

    So at some point, I stopped laughing at myself for it and started taking it seriously, that maybe my body - or my soul - has a need for hibernation. And so I made an effort to make it as comfortable for myself as possible, light a fire in the fireplace, wrap myself into a blanket, cuddle my kitties... Of course I had to work, but also I did things like watching a movie, I wrote a story, I practiced the piano, all my indoors passions, right? And I have to say that that was doing me really good.

    Although of course I also went outside. I did kick myself out of the house, and when I did, I made sure that I would be doing something that I really enjoy, that I like, such as ice skating. I love ice skating. Visiting Christkindl markets, which are beautiful in Bavaria, and going to beautiful places, seeing my auntie, obviously. And I've documented these things, and that includes the teased (in the title) magic evening light one night, which was absolutely beautiful. So you'll see all of that, and I hope that you're going to to enjoy it.

    To Bavaria

    I set out on one of the last days of November and drove to Bavaria and my two favorite kitties.

    This, my dears, is the lake where I spent all my childhood summer holidays - with my auntie, who is now almost 88 and whom I visited regularly.

    My auntie is an amazing person and still very mobile, so we went on long walks together. And although she can hardly see these days, she still keeps her house and decorates it beautifully for Christmas.

    And yes, I did go ice skating quite a few times.

    But it kept on snowing, and it was cold, so like I said, I spent a lot of time indoors with the kitties. By the way, if you're not very interested in cats, then skip the next minute or so.

    Well, I did promise you magical evening light, and here it is. There's zero filter on this, it actually looked like this.

    This was in Bodenmais in the Bavarian Forest, where I took part in a guided walk about the folk myths and customs around the 12 nights.

    On my last day in Bavaria, there was beautiful sunshine, so I kicked myself out of the house again for a walk up to some castle ruins near the house where I was staying.

    Oh. I thought I could get down from here, but no. There are steps but they're not open to the public.

    Back home

    And then it was time to drive back to Croatia.

    I have to admit, it was good to be back home,

    to be able to dance without worrying that I'll step on a cat.

    And with that, I'll say goodbye for today. Thank you for watching! I hope you enjoyed it. Like, comment and subscribe, as usual, and if you'd like to find out a little more about me and my work, check out my website wildspiritscoaching.com. I'll talk to you soon. Bye!


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