Vlog: Red Sunrise over Kvarner Bay

In my latest personal update, I show you the gorgeous sunny February days we’ve had, but also the darkness of a winter storm. I did have great birthday weather, and even the carnival came to my village on that day!

It’s been a quiet February overall, so you’ll see me around my house and garden a lot, admiring my new winter coat and cuddling the neighbour’s cat who keeps visiting me. There’s also footage of the picturesque Rijeka harbour and the historic buildings reflecting in the water.

I hope you’ll like it!

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    This is the exact transcript of the video text. You can also see it in the form of subtitles when you click the cog wheel at the bottom right of the video itself.

    Winter beauty

    There's something about winter here. It's not as lush and green as summer but it has a very specific beauty. Maybe it's got something to do with the fact that this is the time of year when I first saw this house and first saw this view. And it was love at first sight.

    Hello, welcome to the new vlog. I don't know what possessed me to film this outside. It's actually really cold and a bit damp and I'm going to start shivering soon, but we've just had a couple of days of such a bad storm and so much rain and I was shut away in the house for so long that I've just been craving this daylight now and so I'm out here. Let's see how long I can stick it out. So, and also you can see a bit of the view in the background which is always nice, right?

    So I just wanted to publish a vlog before I leave for Ireland, which I'll do in a couple of days. So I'm filming this about a week in advance of it being published, of the vlog being published, and I'm doing this because I'll be in Ireland for two months and I don't know whether I'll be a able to publish a vlog in Ireland. The files are fairly large, what I'm filming, and I only, I'll only have my laptop with me which is a bit old and doesn't have that much storage space, and I don't know whether it even has the processing power, the graphics power for that. That's why I need my computer for this kind of thing. So it's quite possible that my next vlog will come out in early May, so I just wanted to give you a little bit of an insight into February, although not much happened.


    It was my birthday, so yay, I'm now 54, and happy. I'm still on my way to healing myself and getting better but maybe you can see that my eyes are really small today, that's one of the things that sometimes happen, that my eyes just swell for no discernable reason, and I still haven't found out where that comes from, um, but altogether still getting and actually really getting better, I do feel better, like I said last time. But I don't want to talk about that all the time, so let me tell you about the rest of my February.

    There wasn't much because I've been preparing going to Ireland. I've been working a lot, I've been speaking with my clients and yeah, there was a bit of carnival. I don't even know how much I'll have to show you, let's see how much material I've got for this vlog. But yeah, just to give you a bit of an update of what's going on with me. I'm very happy that there's not much going on, it doesn't mean anything bad, it just means everyday life that is my, might be a little more boring to watch as somebody who watches a vlog, but is completely nice for me.

    Preparing for the trip to Ireland

    I also was, because I'm going away, I met a lot of friends, and I don't always want to film when I meet friends, so I didn't, because I don't want to see everything through the lens, and I want to actually concentrate on the person in front of me. Like, always filming or taking pictures is a bit like sitting there with someone and looking at your phone and texting, right? It's just not very social, and so I didn't do that.

    Yeah, and I think I've rambled and not said much at all, so I'm going to stop now and let you, and show you a little bit of what it was like. And the whole packing up and driving to Ireland will most likely not be in this vlog. I might still do a little bit of that today and tomorrow before I leave, but otherwise it'll come in the next vlog, which will appear either at the beginning of April or at the beginning of May.

    Birthday and carnival

    The sunny days made it feel like spring, and apparently the flower bulbs that I had dug up in my rose bed last year seemed to agree. I had assumed that they were dead, but they decided to sprout.

    I do love the coziness of winter and a fire in the oven. I also got a new winter coat, handmade by someone on Etsy. It's a bit wrinkly here from the transport but you can already see it's so beautiful.

    It's such a beautiful daym I got such beautiful birthday sunshine that I had to take a walk at least.

    So I got the most gorgeous birthday weather, but I'm actually working today, so I'm just taking a walk through the, through the village and checking out the scenery.

    And I'm back home. It's kind of nice here, isn't it? But I was hardly at home when I heard the bells down in the village, and so I went back out because Zvončari had come to town, the 'bell ringers'.

    And then this guy blackened everybody's faces. He got me, too!

    A week later, the aforementioned storm arrived. This is how dark it was, at noon!

    And with this gorgeous red sunrise, I say goodbye for this month. I hope you liked the vlog, and if you did, comment, like, subscribe, all the good YouTube stuff, and if you'd like to find out a little more about me and my work, then check out my website wildspiritscoaching.com. Have a beautiful month of March! I'll talk to you soon. Bye!


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