Wild Spirits Coaching

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Use Unstructured Time To Promote Joy


The most common reaction when I say that I help people create space for their passions, is: “Oh I’d love that, but I have so much going on already!” And really, who can blame them for assuming that creating space would involve rigid time management and discipline.

In fact, the opposite is the case. The thing about passions, hobbies, and interests – all of whom involve the emotional part of us, our creativity, joy, and curiosity – is that they don’t thrive in rigidly controlled spaces. Instead, they need what’s known as ‘unstructured time’.

Your mission today is to learn how to use unstructured time to promote joy.

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Task 1: Understand what unstructured time means

When we talk about time, we use words like “saving” or “wasting”. It’s no co-incidence that this is the same vocabulary we use in the context of money.

Unstructured time is diametrically opposed to this concept. Things like optimisation, prioritising, planning all go out of the window. They’re useful tools when it comes to work or business, but they’re pure poison for passions.

All right, so there are exceptions: A degree of discipline is absolutely necessary for things like practising an instrument or athletic training, even if you aren’t a pro. But you also need unstructured time, and that means time that isn’t supposed to be “useful” in any practical way.

Task 2: Why you need unstructured time

I have pointed out before that creativity requires boredom. Similarly, curiosity, joy, and the coveted state of “Flow” all thrive on not being told what to do, so to speak.

In order to foster the joy and happiness that come with doing what you love, you need to create spaces that aren’t structured. You achieve this by using structure – a schedule.

During this time, just have fun. Sitting still and just daydreaming is perfectly fine. So is doodling or improvising on your instrument. Doing silly things just for the laugh. It’s incredibly liberating to drop all expectations. As a result, you’ll suddenly “feel like” pursuing your passion much more.