Vlog 13: Two Weeks In Vienna And Lower Austria
I got to spend two weeks in Vienna and Lower Austria in February, and managed to capture some breathtakingly beautiful footage for you.
The Secret To Beating Procrastination
Beating procrastination - without motivation or mindset changes! It's possible, and it's actually really simple if you understand the mind.
The Dance To “Have It All”
Can you have it all? How about having the right things instead? Here's how you identify and prioritise to build your blissful life.
The 3 Most Effective Tools For Change
Here are the 3 most effective tools for change, from my long experience as a coach. Pick one and watch your life transform!
Vlog 12: Winter Days And Cosy Nights In Croatia
Winter days and cosy nights in my corner of Croatia: There were a lot of beautiful sunny days, passions and purpose, and some inner work.
3 Reasons Why You’re Not Perfectly Happy With Your Passion
Are you happy with your passion? If not, there's nothing wrong with you. Here are 3 reasons why this may be so, and how to rediscover the joy.
You Are What You Become Emotionally Involved With
Emotionally involved means having skin in the game. This is what defines you - not what you spend your time doing. Act accordingly.
Find Your Purpose In 2022
Find your purpose in 2022! You have a unique life purpose, and you can find it even if you don't know where to start. Here are 3 ways.
Vlog 11: Winter Solstice In My Cottage In Croatia
Winter Solstice, New Year's Eve, and the first snow of the winter - plus a trip to one of Croatia's most scenic towns on New Year's Day.
A Ritual To Close Out The Year
Close out the year in style: honour what was good, let go what went wrong, and set yourself up for an amazing 2022 with this little ritual.
What’s Your Drug Of Choice?
Your drug of choice might not be a drug at all: It could be romance, work, even shopping - but what you really need is entirely different.
The Reason Why It’s So Hard To Slow Down
It's hard to slow down - although we crave peace and are desperate to reduce stress. Why is this, and how can you outsmart your own system?
Vlog 10: Wild Croatian Seas & A Tour Of My House
Wild Croatian seas in the bright sunshine, a bit of a recap of 2021, and a tour of my new/old house - come and join me for my latest vlog!
The 1 Shift You Need To Spend More Time On Your Passion
To spend more time on your passion, you don't need motivation or discipline. It only takes 1 shift - here, you'll learn how to do it.
Why You Need To Get Up, Now
Get up, now - because sitting is quite literally killing you. Here are some ways to save yourself, from a confessed couch potato.
Why You’re Not Who You Think You Are
Who you think you are, might not be your true self. Here's why this is so, and why your authentic self might actually feel wrong.
Vlog 9: Autumn Days In My House On The Mountain
My house on the mountain is beginning to feel like it's truly mine! You'll see my daily life, my passions, and magical autumnal beauty.
Don’t Speed Up, Slow Down
Don't speed up, slow down! Rather than rushing around to "take action" and "crush it", how about stopping and listening? Here's how.
Never Fail At Time Management Again
Do you fail at time management? Maybe it's time to stop beating yourself up. Here's an alternative way - side effects include happiness!
What Passion Has To Do With Money
What's passion to do with money? A lot, and it's not just about making money with one's passion. Here's how you draw both into your life.